Introductory Program
Introductory Program at
Chenrezig Institute
If you’re new to Buddhism you can find out more about us and what we do by joining our guided tour of the centre and grounds. And there’s much more
We hold courses that introduce people to Buddhist thought as well as various methods of meditation, cafe talks and guided meditations. Our new Introductory Program will offer regular opportunities to receive information and advice from well-educated students.
These include:
Guided Tours of the Centre
Guided Meditations
Approaching Buddhism
Introduction to Mindfulness
Introduction to Buddhism
Yes! You can Meditate
Buddhism in a Nutshell
Let’s Chat About Death
Meditations on the Mind
And we also include the children! Since the beginning of Chenrezig Institute, children have always played an important part, beloved by our Lamas and delighting us all with their innocent enthusiasm.
We have a lovely program of School Visits – groups of questioning young people coming to learn about our centre and the teachings.
Dharma Kids meets twice a month and under the dedicated care of Ven Wangmo and a growing number of children (and parents) engage in thoughtful and creative activities. The core program includes learning about the Buddha and how Buddhism can help in our daily lives, with an emphasis on secular ethics, something His Holiness Dalai Lama often speaks about.
Find all these options on the category tags on our events calendar.