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Medicine Buddha Retreat combined with Teaching on Bodhicitta with Geshe Thubten Sherab

  • Chenrezig Institute 33 Johnsons Road Eudlo, QLD, 4554 Australia (map)

About Event:

This special event for the centre will be a three days full of teachings and practice with our visitor, Geshe Sherab.

Many eons ago, seven bodhisattvas strongly prayed for the temporal and ultimate happiness of all sentient beings and that their names would become wish-fulfilling in order to heal both the mental and physical sicknesses and diseases of sentient beings.


They vowed that their prayers would be actualized during these degenerate times when the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha are in decline.  When they became enlightened, one of the ten powers of a Buddha is the power of prayer – that means that all the prayers that have been made get fulfilled.  As the Buddha’s holy speech is irrevocable, you can wholly trust in their power to quickly grant blessings to help all sentient beings in these degenerate times.

They are called the Seven Medicine Buddhas.  The main one is ‘Lapis Buddha of Medicine, King of Light’.  Buddha Skakyamuni taught the teachings on the Medicine Buddha, and according to one tradition, is also considered as one of the Medicine Buddhas, and hence the Eight Medicine Buddhas.

Normally people think that Medicine Buddha is for healing but it’s not only that! You can use the Medicine Buddha practice for ANY purpose, ANY problem, ANYTHING. The Medicine Buddha practice is so precious.”

- Lama Zopa Rinpoche

This retreat is the perfect opportunity to spend time developing a relationship with the Medicine Buddha deities and their qualities in ourselves. 

The main part of the retreat consists of the Medicine Buddha sadhana practice with mantra recitation sessions for visualizing healing, as well as positive outcomes, for ourselves, others, and the environment. The retreat also includes teaching on Bodhicitta, the precious mind of enlightenment.

It is not necessary to have received the initiation of Medicine Buddha in order to participate in this retreat.

About our Teacher:

Geshe Thubten Sherab was born in Nepal of Tibetan parents, and received his education at Kopan Monastery, Nepal, the spiritual center of the FPMT. He completed his studies at Sera Jey Monastic University and at Gyume Tantric College in India. He has lived in the USA working at the FPMT Central office and several nearby Dharma Centers in Taos, New Mexico.

He returned to Nepal after several years in the U.S. to become Headmaster of Kopan Monastery. Geshe-la has retired from the this role in order to have more time to devote to meditation and to teaching internationally. For the last few years, he has been travelling and teaching at FPMT Centers in USA, Canada, Mexico, Asia and Europe.

FPMT’s Mandala magazine published a story about Geshe Sherab which you can read here: The Master from the New Generation.

Medicine Buddha Sadhana used for this retreat can be found here

Further information about the schedule and materials to be used will be updated here and also sent by email to those who register for the events.

This retreat will be available to attend in person and online.


  • The suggested donation for this three-day retreat is $150

    BUT – you may pay whatever you feel comfortable with.

  • A donation of $75 will be very helpful

  • A donation of $50 will cover our basic costs.

  • A generous contribution of $150 will cover our costs and help us to continue to offer other teachings to so many – often free of charge.

Sangha are always able to attend our courses free of charge, please contact for discount code to register.

To book Accommodation, click here

To book your meals at our Big Love Cafe, click here

If there are any issues booking food or accommodation, please email

21 March

Guided Meditations

22 March

Gel Plate Printing Workshop-Intermediate Techniques with Maisie-Jane