About Event:
We started a new round of these practical and inspiring Discovering Buddhism teachings in May 2024, now we continue with the fifth subject: All About Karma - Retreat Weekend
Explore with Ven Pema the essential facts about the law of actions and their results. Examine ways to deal with life more effectively and take control of your future
Read more about the Discovering Buddhism program itself here.
About our Teacher:
Ven. Pema received ordination from our spiritual director, Lama Zopa Rinpoche in 2010. She finished Discovering Buddhism in 2005 and has since graduated both the Basic Program and Masters Program.
Since 2015, Ven. Pema has been teaching Discovering Buddhism and has recently expanded her teaching to online courses for American centres and ten-day residential courses in Nepal. Before becoming ordained, she worked as a teacher in Business, Law, and Computing for nearly 20 years, gaining valuable experience. Now, she blends her teaching expertise with her passion for Dharma.
PLEASE NOTE: The Zoom and Youtube links will be included on the ticket you will receive after registration.
We have also recently added a link to a drop-box folder where you will find that materials you need to study and practice this module. This folder may be updated from time to time up to the time of the module so do check it regularly.
These links are not always easy to find – they are on the actual ticket you will receive towards the bottom.
If you register but do not receive this ticket or cannot find the links please contact spc@chenrezig.com.au
The general schedule for all the Discovering Buddhism weekends will be the same on Saturdays and Sundays as follows, any changes will be notified.
Session 1: 9:00am – 10:15am
Session 2: 10:45am – 12:00pm
Session 3: 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Registration and payment
The recommended contribution for these two-day weekends $120
BUT you may pay whatever you feel comfortable with.
A payment of $60 will be very helpful
A payment of $45 will cover our basic costs.
A generous contribution of $120 will cover our costs and help us to continue to offer other teachings to so many – often free of charge.
Sangha are always able to attend our courses free of charge but are requested to please register.
For any concerns with your food or accommodation bookings, please email info@chenrezig.com.au