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Guided Meditations

  • Chenrezig Institute 33 Johnsons Road Eudlo, QLD, 4554 Australia (map)


Invite more peace into your life with Buddhist meditation.

Each Friday you can slow down and join one of the Chenrezig Institute monks or nuns or senior students as they lead you through a gentle reflective meditation. If you’ve never meditated before, this a great supportive environment to give it a try.

Get comfortable in a chair or on the floor and allow yourself to be fully relaxed and present in this beautiful space.

Suitable for everyone. Perfect for after lunch. Everyone welcome.


Join us weekly on Friday afternoons.

No registration required.

Please click here to access a YouTube playlist of guided meditations offered by our sangha members: Guided Meditation Playlist

There is no need to register to attend these meditations, just come along a few minutes early and join the group.

You may wish to take lunch at the Big Love Cafe beforehand but please book at least 24 hours in advance here

7 March

Friday Teachings with Geshe Tsultrim

7 March

Postponed - Three Day Lamrim Meditation Retreat with Ven Tony Beaumont